Vanessa Safavi


2007: Diplôme d’arts visuels, Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland


2011: Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland (forthcoming)
2010: Le Palais Bleu, Trogen, Switzerland
Chert, "Between a Tree and a Plastic Chair", Berlin, Germany
Claudia Groeflin Galerie, Zürich, Switzerland
2009: Napthaline, "NEO", Lausanne, Switzerland
2008: zwanzigquadratmeter, "DOM-Tom", Berlin, Germany


2010: CRAC Alsace-Centre Rhénan d’Art Contemporain, "That’s All Folklore", Altkirch, France
K3 Project Space, "Wood you rather..."
(curated by Meta Kenworthy-Ball), Zürich, Switzerland
Chert, "Drinnen & Draussen, Berlin, Germany
Liste 15 - The Young Art Fair (booth of Chert Berlin), Basel, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Basel, "Strange Comfort" (Afforded by the Profession),
(curated by Adam Szymczyk and Salvatore Lacagnina), Basel, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Fri-Art, "EN MIROIRE, PROJECTIONS SUR LE FOLKLORE, Fribourg, Switzerland
Raum zur Kunst, "The Amazone Conversation", Basel, Switzerland
Sculpture Center, "Lucky Draw 2010, Long Island City, NY, USA

2009: Artnews Project Space, "All The Girls Standing in The Line For The Bathroom"
(curated by Christiane Rekade), Berlin, Germany
Swiss Art Award within Kiefer Hablitzel prize selection, Basel, Switzerland

2008: Sculpture Center, "If it's a bird, shoot it!" In Practice projet
(curated by Christiane Rekade), Long Island City, NY, USA
Espace Bellevaux, "Un Art du Feu" (curated by Guillaume Pilet), Lausanne, Switzerland
Centre Culturel Suisse de Paris, (curated by Léa Fluck), Paris, France
1M3, X, Lausanne, Switzerland
Espace Out Of This Word, "Black Diaspora
(curated by Nathalie Rebholz), Territet, Switzerland
Galerie, Blancpain, "Joseph Hannibal Now!"
(curated by Joseph Hannibal), Geneva, Switzerland
Zoo Art Fair, Royal Academy of Arts (booth of 1m3), London, UK

2007: Espace Forde, "Sijang Jeon Eun, Neomu Ileo
(curated by Aurélien Gamboni), Geneva, Switzerland
Galerie Guy Bärtschi, "Even anti-hereos need their Mum"
(curated by Samuel Gross), Geneva, Switzerland
Kunsthalle Fri-Art, Anathema
(curated by Boris Magrini), with Lauris Paulus and Fabian Marti, Fribourg, Switzerland


2010: Collection Cahiers d'Artistes 2010, Pro Helvetia,
Fondation suisse pour la culture/Swiss Arts Council


2010: Studio Residency, Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council, Cape Town, South Africa

2009: Eidgenössischer Preis für Kunst, Kiefer Hablitzel Stiftung