Beat Brogle

Beat Brogle is a Swiss artist living in Berlin. His work investigates issues of morphological transformation and associations at the edge of perception. This investigation spans media as diverse as drawing, sculpture, films/video, and interactive installations and has been shown across Europe, and recently also in Australia and Asia.

1983 Course at the Schule für Gestaltung ("School for Design"), Basel / CH
1984 Course Raum und Körper("Space and Bodies")at the Schule für Gestaltung ("School for Design"), Basel.
1985-88 Enrolled for the professional graphics course at the Schule für Gestaltung ("School for Design"), Basel.
1989 Educational stay in Paris / Graphic work for the "Centre Culturel Suisse".
1992 Membership of the VIA Basel video and audio art cooperative.
1997-2002 Lecturing assignment for Moving Images / New Media within the professional graphics course at the Schule für Gestaltung ("School for Design"), Basel/CH since 2004 Guest Lecturing for Moving Images, New Media. Berlin University of the Arts (Weissensee and Udk) / HGKZ School of Art and Design Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zurich / Hff- Konrad Wolff Berlin Babelsberg.