William Cruickshank


Manchester Metropolitan University: 1994 -1997. BA (Hons) Fine Art (Sculpture).


Grotto: Studio 1.1, 57a Redchurch St., London, E2 7DJ. 07/12/06 – 07/01/07. Group show.

Make Believe: Shillam+Smith, 122 Great Titchfield Street,, London, W1W 6ST. 31/10 – 21/12. Group show.

Supertankers: August Art, Wharf Studios, Baldwin Terrace, London, N1 7RU. 29-30/07/06. Solo show.

Metamorphosis: Gallery One, 19 Station Road, Barnes, London, SW13. 13/04 - 11/06/05. Group show.

Art Projects: London Art Fair, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH. 19/01 - 23/01/05. Solo show.

Grotto II: Jessica Murray Projects, 210 North 6th Street, Brooklyn, NY11211, USA. 25/06 - 25/07/04. Group show.

Projects: Rosy Wilde Gallery, 139 Whitecross Street, London, EC1Y 8JL. 11/03/04 - 04/04/04. Solo show.

Ergo thus: Martinez Gallery, 37 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn, NY1122, USA. 11/10 - 22/11/03. Group show exchange with Jeffrey Charles Gallery.

Window space: Moving Brands. 7-8 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3DH. 08/08/03 – 08/08/04. Solo projects.

Panels: Fabrications. 7 Broadway Market, London, E8. 19 - 30/03/03. Group show.

Chockerfuckingblocked: Jeffrey Charles Gallery. 34 Settles St. London. 31/1 - 1/3/03. Group show.

Balmy Daze: Houldsworth, 33-34 Cork St, London. 4/7 - 7/9/02. Group show.

Out of Place: Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery. 25/5 - 7/6/02. Group show.

Food Hall: Houldsworth, 33-34 Cork Street, London. 13/9 - 13/10/01. Group show.

JUST: SOAP Gallery, Kokura, Kitakyushu-shi, Japan. December 1998. Solo show.

Residencies and Fellowships

Braziers International Artists Workshop. Braziers Park, Ipsden, Nr Wallingford,Oxfordshire, OX10 6AN.
6/08 – 22/08/06.

Digswell Arts Trust Fellow. Fairlands Valley Famhouse, Stevenage, Herts. 08/1999 – 07/2001.